Aug 20, 2009
We'd like to thank Juniper from Walking The
Hedge and Pax from Chrysalis for awarding us the "Real Witch Achievement Award". We would also
like to thank our Moms!
The rules are as follows:
This is meant to be a show of respect and/or appreciation, but it can still be delivered with some affectionate humour and so...
Aug 17, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
Hey Wigglians, we made it home safe and sound. Wigglian Exodus 09
is officially over... As you may have guessed tonight's show is all
about the trip.
Tonight's feature album is Mythcreants by Trixie
Pixie. Released at FaerieWorlds, please enjoy Taglio and Dryad's Promise. We
finish the show with the...